First Published October 16, 2018 by admin
Exhibition is a broad word to describe an assemble of displays. An Art Exhibition is a cultural and Educational experience and it emotionally feeds the soul.

Visitors go to Art exhibitions for different reasons. It could be for answers to their questions. It could be by curiosity. It could be for inspiration, because of who or what is shown there. It could be to buy art. It could be to see what is new and hip. It could be because they are looking for specific products/services. It could be to find an artist to commission. It could be because someone told them about it. It could be because they are looking for suppliers, they are making researches on the trend of the moment and it could be for pure entertainment too.
In this digital Age, we still need to get out and about and mix with real people.
Why do people still feel the need to attend live events? It is interesting that the humble exhibition is still be of interest to so many. Surely in a world where everything can be found at your fingertips, there’s no need to visit exhibitions? Not quite. Below Martin Scurry of Sprak Design found a few reasons why people still go to exhibitions and love them.
- An Oxford study concludes that it is, in fact, possible to die of boredom. So, escaping the wall-facing desk in favour of stretching your legs and heading down to an exhibition is not only a matter of curiosity but, it seems, it also saves lives.
- Exhibitions provide many opportunities to connect with the local and global industry community, allowing you to meet like-minded individuals and subsequently, leverage the best contacts – this is invaluable in today’s competitive market.
- Depending on the sector you’re working in, exhibitions can be a great place to polish up your industry skills and find out about the latest innovations and trends.
- They are full of live demonstrations and new products that give you the opportunity to examine, handle, compare, see, smell, experience and test-drive.
- Creative engagement at an art exhibition may be a given, but even at trade shows exhibitors often pull out all the stops in order to immerse visitors in a visceral experience.
- Research further suggests that one-third of visitors are looking for new art or new suppliers.
- Opportunity is ripe! As is expert advice on specific commercial challenges.
- Exhibitions give you the chance to window-shop to your heart’s content.